Saturday, February 21, 2009


Good Morning Mr. Simms,

I would like to inform you that I have received a positive return on the compensation request from the Department of Veterans Affairs for my Hypertension and Stroke. The Hypertension claim was rated at 5% and the Stroke claim has to be evaluated by a DVA Doctor to determine my limitations before a percentage can be decided on. This process has taken over two years after repeated "Claim Denied" letters from DVA and barring further delays, I should have a decision on the Stroke compensation within 6 months.

Both claims were finally approved based on new evidence. The new evidence that turned the tide in my favour was a letter submitted by my Military Doctor, which was against Canadian Forces Health Services Group rules, and I am now convinced that if the Canadian Forces ordered it's doctor's to provided a statement, letter, or opinion to the Adjudicator's at DVA, there would be very few "Claim Denied" letters sent to our hard working, dedicated soldiers.

I would like to thank you, Fred Cuff, and Peter Stoffer for your support to my case. If there is anything that can be done to make changes to the current system to enable our injured soldiers greater satisfaction and quicker compensation for their claims, I would be more than willing to share my experiences and findings with a Board of Inquiry or similar investigation.

Once again, thank you.

-- Robin Brentnall